viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

5th - April 3rd - English - Teacher: Flavia Salazar

Hello people!!

Hope you are fine!

Ready to start our English class??? 

            YES!!! 😊

First, let’s revise last class vocabulary!

Read the following paragraph which summarises last class’ article about being an organised student. Check the vocabulary and complete the blanks.

Now, let's start revision Present Perfect.... Do you remember?

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the gaps using the Present Perfect
1.    Susan  ___________________ this film on TV. (never/ see)
2.    How often ___________________she ___________________the office this morning? (phone)
3.    ___________________the Millers ___________________yet? (arrive)
4.    John ___________________on a trip through Alaska. (never/ go)
5.    ___________________ever ___________________to New York? (to be)
6.    Andy ___________________his sister's bike. (not/repair)
7.    ___________________ you  ___________________ knife in the kitchen? (drop)
8.    I ___________________a new laptop. (buy)
9.    ___________________Toby  ___________________ is blue pen yet? (find)
10. The students __________________ their homework so far. (not/forget)

Let’s play some games. Write the vocabulary in your folder!
(juguemos. Escribí el vocabulario en tu carpeta)

See you soon!
Your teacher,


  ESPACIO DE RECREACIÓN Estimadas familias…   Llegamos a la última semana de clase y último mes del año, este año se presento con much...